All posts by Nikki Fica

Why You Shouldn’t Have an Intern Run Your Company’s Social Media

Whether you are a small business or startup, funds may be tight at the beginning. Once business plans are complete, the website is being built, and everything seems to be in order, you may be looking at your next steps.

When it comes to social media marketing, many believe hiring an intern, or millennial who “knows” social media, may be the most cost-effective way for the company to get online. In this digital day and age when everyone’s eyes are glued to their phones and WiFi is a basic necessity, it’s only expected to have a Facebook page.

It’s only posting on Facebook every-so-often, right? Wrong. Between algorithms, audiences, PPC, research, and much more, the job of a social media marketer is not “just posting”. In addition, those posting on social media are essentially “the voice” of your company. While interns may know the basics, how to post on their personal social media, or took a college class, the depth of what should be learned and implemented in an ever-changing field requires knowledge beyond “basic” skills.

For instance, posting on a Facebook business page vs. posting on a Facebook personal page is different in itself. Facebook has created a “pay-to=play” game and organic growth is more hands-on and research-intensive. The focus of building relationships and a community around your company or brand through engagement is what will take you to the next level.

This is just with Facebook mentioned. Keep in mind that there are other social media platforms that require social listening to find your audience, and their own set of rules and guidelines to know. It is not a basic, templated project for every brand – it must be customized to the product, voice, and audience.

The social media marketer must have a variety of attributes and skills, such as a business-sense, personality, research skills, willingness to learn (not only about social media, but the company), dedication, creativity, ability to analyze, brand awareness, relationship and community building, customer service skills, ability to think on the spot, and common sense. This is not saying an intern lacks these qualities, but their knowledge may be limited when it comes down to it.

All in all, social media conveys the brand’s voice, so ultimately is your online representative and customer service. In that aspect, relying on an individual because they are low-cost, (legally, an unpaid intern cannot have the same duties as a paid employee/position) is an option that you will need to weigh out as a company, however, in anything in life, you get what you pay for.


Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or


Social Media and Engagement Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

From late night television shows to reality shows, sitcoms to your local news, hosts are encouraging others to participate in on-the-air questions, sharing, and games via social media. Assuming most Americans are on social media, why is the media making such a huge push for individuals to jump on the internet? Simple enough, that is where their audience is, and allowing that engagement will bring a better return.

If Jimmy Fallon or Ellen talk about featured tweets or using a certain hashtag, people watching are able to log into their accounts and join in the action, hoping to make it on TV. Everyone seems to want their 15 minutes of fame. Whether it becomes a trending topic or others see it in their feed, it catches on, only to make that show more popular or trendy.

From television to brands, how can you make it work with your audience? First, find your audience. Listen, engage, respond, share, and be consistent. Do your research. Your audience may not be on a certain platform. That’s okay. Don’t be so quick to give up.

Once you find your demographic and target your audience, engage. What do they like to talk about? What do they like to share? Do they want to learn something that you could teach them? What can you learn from them? It’s not a “me” game, it’s “us”. Engagement is key in a relationship.

Returning to what TV shows are doing…they acknowledge the user. It’s a big deal to have a big brand favorite, retweet, or respond to you. It doesn’t mean that people don’t get excited when smaller brands communicate as well. They do!

Through communication, you can build relationships. Through relationships, you can build consumers. Through consumers, you can build brand advocates. All in all, it starts out with engagement!

What important questions do you ask your audience to encourage engagement on social media?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

Why Are Building Relationships Important On Social Media?

Building relationships. As in real life, building relationships online is a part of social media (hence, the social part). It may seem intimidating to beginners, as they try to push selling without adding the social part to it. So how can you build a relationship online without acting like you are spamming?

Twitter is an amazing tool – like a real-life chat platform. Flashback to the AOL days where you sat behind your computer screen to talk to strangers (a/s/l anyone?). Through those chats, you were able to connect with people, talk and listen, and slowly build relationships. That is the main idea. We aren’t talking Tinder relationships, but business professional/working relationships.

Do not think that nobody wants to talk to you. Unless you have a profile that states you sell likes and followers, you should be fine. Invest time in your connections and follow like-minded people. Be authentic. Be real. Be approachable. Don’t just talk about yourself. You aren’t going to enter a party and shout that you have a special on your product, so why do it online?

There are so many things you can do to build a relationship! Be involved in Twitter chats – don’t be intimidated. You will learn more things than you could imagine while building connections.

Think of it as real life. Listen to others and they will do the same to you. Respond to others and connect. Be consistent and patient, but most importantly, don’t give up. You never know if your next tweet could be that connector in building the perfect relationship.

Why are relationships so important on social media? Having a group to support your personal or professional brand is like having a group of cheerleaders surrounding you. They all want you to succeed. Referrals and sales may follow, however your learning experiences from them are invaluable.

How do you build relationships online?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

The Importance of Mentorship and Social Media

Whether you are just getting started in social media or are continuously learning, there is one thing that I would suggest to anyone – get a mentor. No, mentors are not just for people in college or in an internship program. It is for anyone who would like someone to look up to in their career, similar to a role model.

In the social media world, things are constantly changing and many influencers have buckled down and learned through the changes. It wasn’t until I was involved in social media for a few years until I decided to reach out to an individual who had a place in social media marketing, speaking, and tech. It wasn’t that I was in the weeds or didn’t know what I was doing, it was because I wanted to improve myself and my career.

My mentor was available for questions, allowed me to watch what they were doing, showed support online, as well as offline, and tested me whether I was really doing what I loved. I learned more about myself, the love I have for social media, and the in’s and out’s of the job. Now, I would never consider myself an expert, guru, pro, or any other cliche term, however I am more educated and prepared than I ever was years ago.

The importance of mentorship and learning is critical in an ever-changing career. One day you could be focusing on analytics and algorithm changes, while the next you are discovering new tactics for paid ads. You are constantly learning. If you do not like reading blogs, news, and doing research, this may not be the correct career for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to another to ask questions.

Recently, I was approached to mentor a couple of college students. I was more than excited to take on the opportunity. If I had the chance to have a mentor in college, the opportunities would be endless. I feel like I am paying it forward and helping those that I could be learning from one day. Sometimes creating a team creates opportunity, embraces learning, and allows for creativity.
Don’t be afraid to keep on learning. Make it a goal to learn something new everyday, reach out for help if you need it, and pay it forward and help others.

What perks stand out the most for having a social media mentorship?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

What Taylor Swift Can Teach Us About Social Media

It seems as if whenever there is a “haters” discussion on social media, Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” song comes to mind. Which got me thinking…what else can we learn from T. Swift other than the fact that she is talented and successful?

Relatable and Personable
Other than producing and singing number one hits, Taylor has proved that she truly cares about her fans. Although she has 58.2M Twitter followers, she still finds the time to respond and retweet some of her fans. Under all of the lights, glamour, and fame, she still can relate to “normal” people by sharing difficult moments and family situations. It is one more reason to love her a little bit more. Be authentic!

“And I know you heard about me
So hey, let’s be friends
I’m dying to see how this one ends” – Taylor Swift, “Blank Space

Shake It Off
Taylor Swift teaches us to “Shake It Off” when it comes to haters. Do you. Don’t let others bring you down. Whether it’s jealousy, dislike, competition, etc., don’t let people down. If you have haters, you must be doing something right, so brush it off and keep on moving forward.

Everything Has Changed
Of course Taylor’s songs are not directly related to social media, however titles and lyrics can have an effect on what is going on in the social media world. In her song “Everything Has Changed”, it can be related to the many changes on each platforms. “I just want to know you better”, however once you get to know the ins and outs of a platform, “everything has changed” and the algorithm is different. Stay up to date with blogs, conferences, and being in-the-know.

Speak Now
Social media is about (hint: it’s in the word) being social. Listen, communicate, and respond. However, think before you speak. Would you talk this way to your mom, grandma, or boss? Can it be taken out of context? Don’t be a constant billboard. Speak as if you are having a conversation with another. You typically don’t make your conversations 100% about yourself, and that should be the same on social.

FOMO? Sometimes “All You Had To Do Was Stay”.

If you are a business that is afraid to get started on social media, be “Fearless” and do it. Be where your audience is. When you go out anywhere (or even in your own home), where does everyone have their head? Mostly buried in their mobile device. How can you capture your potential consumers when you aren’t online? If you can’t do it yourself, find someone who know what they are doing to consult with or manage your presence.

I Knew You Were Trouble
You are on social media and you get the auto DM from someone trying to sell you without an introduction, just spam. Hashtag hackers also fall into this category. What do you do about them? See “Shake It Off” above.

Overall, simple messages can teach us important features. To connect to your audience, be someone they can relate to – listen and get to know them. Be social, be authentic, and when you are feeling down or uninspired, “shake it off”.

What song can you relate to what you have learned in social media?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

What Can You Really Learn in 1 Hour on Social Media?

Recently I was invited on #MediaChat as a guest by Aaron Kilby to discuss the topic of “Changing Careers to Do What You Love“. There were 161 people who participated in the hour-long Twitter chat, which takes place on Thursdays at 7pm PST/10pm EST. Although I got to discuss things that were unique to me, I came out of the experience with more information than I could have ever imagined.

The Twitter chatters were very enthusiastic about the topic, which was exciting to see. Engaging in conversations about their past and how they got where they are now, who they are inspired by, and their passions. My main takeaway is that everyone has a different story. You will never find two people alike, and that’s what makes everyone individually interesting. Whether it’s family, friends, jobs, or life, people live life to the best of their capability.

Learning from experiences of others will only make us stronger as a whole. Never take a single second for granted. Look at the positives in any situation, and when things are looking dim, outreach to others for help or support.

In that hour, I heard stories of triumph, struggles, success, and inspiration. The amazing part is that this was all done via social media. You could feel the emotion in words. People were human.
This is why it is stressed in social media to be a human and not a robot. That feeling led to relating to others on a more personal, yet professional level. Brands involved in the chat offered realistic advice and made it seem as if you matter.

That’s what people want. They want to feel as if they matter. Don’t be afraid to tell a story, be sympathetic, and to show emotion. The real you will come through and people will respect that and try to build a connection with you. Let your words do the talking and create relationships that may spur from online to offline one day.

#YouMatter: What is one way you show others that they matter?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

How Can You Relate to Millennials in Social Media Marketing?

Last week, I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Dan Gray, Office Operations Manager of the West Market Area for Ford Motor Company. He stated that he attended a Brand Innovations Conference with a focus on Millennial Marketing, which spurred a conversation. How do millennials want to be marketed to? How can you reach Gen Y when it comes to consumer marketing and social media strategy?

We discussed many options and strategies, however what they all had in common was to have a human element. Millennials want to be engaged and to have the ability to connect with someone who is real. They like authenticity and someone who they can relate to. Visuals, such as graphics and video, pertain to millennials (or the millennial mindset) because there is a personal value to each.

Adding in from my past, I explained that I was previously employed as the marketing/social media manager for a corporate restaurant. For the social media strategy, rather than just using the stock photos of employees or models, I managed shifts with a camera in my pocket to take live shots of the employees to post on social media. Sometimes I brought in props as well, asking myself, “what can the audience relate to?”

Of course, each corporate chain is different in allowing photos taken to be posted to franchised stores’ social media. However, we saw a large increase in reach, likes, and consumer engagement across our social media platforms. Why? Because consumers want to be able to relate. They want to see their favorite waitress featured on the site, rather than someone who they may never meet. They want that “hometown feeling”.

We captured reactions of teams winning on video and waitresses hard at work while still having fun. Those were true feelings and moments people could relate to. The same goes for the millennial mindset. Building something that they can connect and relate to strengthens the marketing.

In relation, how many times do you get an automated message, rather than a live voice on the phone? It frustrates just about everyone. Why would you want to reflect an automated message online? Be able to relate, be authentic, and be human.

What is one thing about the millennial mindset that brands could learn from?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

You Are A Millennial, So What?

Being a millennial has been a growing subject in the Gen X and Gen Y debate. Do you actually have to be a millennial physically or can you have a millennial mindset? What does the mindset consist of? Is the workplace really evolving because of this?

Millennials have often been put down as thinking that they are “entitled”, “need flexibility”, have been babied or spoiled, and the list goes on. Gen X’s place judgment on Gen Y’s in the workplace, however is it just because they are not susceptible to change? In today’s day and age, technology is advancing, and with that, systems, mindsets, and ways to work are evolving. If you are not on board for change, you better hang on tight!

As a millennial, I fall into the “work from home, flexible” work life. That doesn’t mean that I don’t work hard, however that doesn’t mean I don’t have fun. I believe that happiness constitutes for what you are doing in life, and if you are not happy with what you are doing, you cannot do it successfully. I look at elders who are stuck in dead-end careers, miserable. Who would want to be miserable in a life that you on live once?

Millennials may have a new way to work, however who is to say that it is not actually the right way to work? Advances in wearable tech and technology shows the direction we are headed in the future in terms of leadership, business, and the overall workplace. From ways to learn to ways to teach, millennials consider change as part of the agenda. Building an adaptable working environment where employees can be happy, connected, and successful is key.

If you don’t change your ways, you might as well use a quill pen and papyrus scroll and assume nothing will get better than that.

How would you like to have the convenience of staying home with your child because he or she has the flu and not missing a thing in the office because of the accessibility of video conferences and hangouts? It’s a new way of working and a way workplaces could evolve. It takes into account that we are all humans and unexpected things happen. Taking it to a new level and showing that you care will create a positive moral and working structure. Changes like this, as simple as it may be, could lead to bigger changes in the future.

I don’t want to speak for all millennials, but it is not my goal in life to run all Gen X’s out of the workplace to adhere to a Gen Y agenda. However, I would hope over time, all would accept a change and to slowly integrate new ways to work in the work environment. Account for all of the positives, and set aside things that didn’t work. Change is not always a bad thing. Sometimes one small change is all you need to begin on the road to success.

#EmbraceChange: What is one thing that you would like to see evolve in the workplace?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

Why Have Consistency On Social Media?

When I audit and consult with a client, one of the first things asked is if they have current social media. More often than not, they give me links to profiles that basically have virtual cobwebs on them. They state that their social media isn’t getting them any leads, is a waste of time and money, etc. After reviewing, many have a post every other week or month, on a holiday, or once a quarter. That is when the consistency conversation comes in.

Social media is about being social. One call to action post on Twitter every other day is, quite frankly, a waste of time. In order for social media to “work”, you must be consistent and engaging. Building relationships is one of the most important factors to creating a community and humanizing the brand or person.

If I shouted from my rooftop “buy my product” every day to passerbys, people are just going to walk by. If I sit down and have milk and cookies with my neighbors and talk to them about their life, what is happening, and build that connection, our relationship will grow and I won’t have to yell “buy my product”, it will just be natural. The same goes for social media. Find that connection and build upon it. It may not be an overnight success, but it will be a work in progress.

That brings us back to consistency. Setting the expectation allows people to connect with you easier. It also keeps you on the top of their mind. When you are not engaging on social media, it probably isn’t working the way you hoped it would. People want to connect with a human and put a face to a voice.

In addition, there is a lot more than “just a status” that goes into social media. Listen and know your audience. Share in a way that you will make an impact and connect. Understand your analytics, proper usage of hashtags, and listening tools. Social media is that consistent brand voice that represents yourself or your company. It’s time to brush off those social media cobwebs and have consistency!

What do you think are the key traits to have on social media?

Social Media Facelift, LLC
provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or

Social MEdia or Social YOUdia?

Do you converse with or talk at your audience? Do you post just to hear yourself talk or to generate a conversation? Knowing the proper way to engage with others is crucial in social media. This one of the basic steps in Social Media 101.

A common misconception about social media is that if you continue to put yourself out there, you will go viral right away. The truth is, social media takes patience, persistence, and knowledge. Sure, some people may get lucky and go viral with a certain tweet or video, however chances are slim. Most of the time you have to put in work to see a return – and that means listening and engaging your audience.

Another mistake is to make social media a “one man show”. Without that genuine interaction and engagement with your audience, it will become more difficult for you to reach others. You can relate it to real life – no one wants to go to a cocktail party to meet someone who constantly talks about themselves. Finding your target audience, listening to what they are talking about, and engaging in conversation will put you a step ahead.

Think of it as a friendship, and use the capabilities of liking, sharing, retweeting, etc. to show your appreciation to your followers and audience. In time, they will reciprocate. Be valuable and share what your audience wants to hear. Hint: this will also assist you in content curation and topics.

As a general rule, your engagement should consist of the 80/20 rule – 80% of content that interests the audience, shares, retweets, and so on, while 20% is content to promote your brand. In that case, you will not become an online sales pitch. Instead, you will become intriguing, others will want to learn more, and they will be more inclined to read your blogs or information you post.

On top of that, have consistency and human. Not many people want to have a robot as a friend. Be yourself or be that personable voice behind a brand. The more connections you can build with your audience relates to the strong relationships that may form. Don’t make it social MEdia, but rather social YOUdia.

Do you practice social MEdia or social YOUdia?

Social Media Facelift, LLC provides social media account setup & management, consulting & strategy, content creation, education & training, and insights & analysis for businesses, large or small.  Social Media Facelift, LLC wants to take your business to the next level by integrating social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google +, YouTube, and more to help establish your business and connections.

Contact Social Media Facelift, LLC today for a social media consultation at (480) 231-5582 or